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Deborah Kreiling
Simplicity Creative Group is one of the leading suppliers in the craft, sewing, knitting, hobby and home decorating categories with a long history of supplying innovative and quality products to a global customer base. Simplicity designs, produces and markets sewing patterns for individuals who love to sew. Simplicity Creative Group’s well-known brands include Simplicity®, Wright®, and Boye®
About Deborah Kreiling
Simplicity Pattern Company has been my home for over thirty five years. My passion for sewing equals my passion for being involved every day in the creation of our product. I have sewn since I was a child and when I first came to Simplicity as a sewing instruction writer I knew had found a good home. Throughout the years I learned so much about the process of getting the pattern created that my current position as Design Development Director was a very natural progression. I work directly with every patternmaker, seamstress, writer and illustrator to make sure that that what we have created as a sewing pattern can be successfully and happily sewn at home. Being part of this process and this team inspires me to sew most of my own clothes and to always be on the hunt for new methods in garment construction that can be adapted into a pattern for the home sewer.