Welcome, schools!

All-access pass
for every skill level

Students and staff have an all-access, no-boundaries pass to explore thousands of classes. People of all skill levels can work alongside instructors to learn craft techniques.
for every skill level

Students and staff have an all-access, no-boundaries pass to explore thousands of classes. People of all skill levels can work alongside instructors to learn craft techniques.
personalized platform

Our platform is simple and intuitive, with features like chapter divisions, note-taking tools, 20-second rewind and more. Users can save favorite classes and receive personalized recommendations.
personalized platform

Our platform is simple and intuitive, with features like chapter divisions, note-taking tools, 20-second rewind and more. Users can save favorite classes and receive personalized recommendations.
expert-driven videos

Videos are produced by renowned artists and creative experts. Instructors bring a lifetime of practice, passion, and proven teaching methods.
expert-driven videos

Videos are produced by renowned artists and creative experts. Instructors bring a lifetime of practice, passion, and proven teaching methods.
Key Platform Capabilities
- Public performance rights
- One-of-a-kind Makerspace programming
- New classes from top artists released every day
- Downloadable patterns, templates, and recipes
- Easy to use, flexible content management system
- Configuration with your IP proxy or student ID numbers
- Monthly usage reporting and personalized dashboard
- Customer support for users
- Digital and print asset toolkit provided to you
- Personalized landing page for school systems
Participating Schools

Contact us today to learn more about our Creativebug School program