23 min 51 sec
Sketchbook Explorations
Part 1:
Sketchbook Explorations: Watercolor Backgrounds and Line Drawing
Getting started in a new sketchbook can be the biggest hurdle in the creative process. In this introductory class, Lisa shares tips for selecting a sketchbook that is just right for you. She also shares techniques for working with watercolor paints, then shows how to draw over the paint with Micron pens. This class is all about embracing multiple mediums and adding layers of detail – open the sketchbook and let’s get started.
Part 2:
Sketchbook Explorations: Collaged Backgrounds and Line Drawing
Your mixed media sketchbook is the perfect place to experiment with collage, and in this class, Lisa shares her favorite way to combine collage with line drawing. Using a mix of vintage paper and solid-colored paper, you will learn how to cut out geometric shapes and apply them to the page, then draw floral motifs over them to create an organic, juxtaposed design.
Part 3:
Sketchbook Explorations: Layered Abstract Drawing with Brush and Gel Pens
Brush pens are an ideal portable sketchbook tool. In this class, Lisa shares her favorite ways to use them, making vibrant, layered designs in her sketchbook. Lisa begins by demonstrating how to create a field of color, then uses gray brush pens to create an overlay design. Using a white gel pen, you’ll add simple embellishments at the end that make the design pop.
Part 4:
Sketchbook Explorations: Mixed Media on Paper
Great ideas typically begin in sketchbooks, and in this class, Lisa shows you how to take the techniques you’ve been practicing and combine them to make larger, frameable artwork. The finished example Lisa demonstrates combines watercolor, collage, line drawing, and more. Pick and choose any techniques you please to create your own mixed media masterpiece.
Great ideas typically begin in sketchbooks, and in this class, Lisa shows you how to take the techniques you’ve been practicing and combine them to make larger, frameable artwork. The finished example Lisa demonstrates combines watercolor, collage, line drawing, and more. Pick and choose any techniques you please to create your own mixed media masterpiece.
Here’s what you’ll need:
- Watercolors in a variety of colors
- Paper towels
- Jar of water
- Flat-tipped paintbrushes
- Watercolor paper (Lisa uses 9” x 12” Strathmore paper)
- Micron pen (size 05)
- Scissors
- Papers for collage
- Gluestick

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