1 hour 41 min
Amanda of Spruce Upholstery teaches a masterclass in upholstery, showing you every step of building an upholstered headboard from scratch. She begins by cutting the headboard shape out of plywood with a jigsaw, and then padding the board with foam. Once the foundation is created, she cuts out the fabric, expertly aligning the pattern repeat and pulling the fabric taught, then staples it securely in place. This class is chock full of tips on how to get professional upholstering results at home, and while many tools and techniques are required, Amanda provides all of the information needed to construct a gorgeous headboard with confidence.
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What you’ll get:
Here’s what you’ll need:
Woodworking Materials:
- 48 x 63" sheet of ¾" plywood
- (2) 6 x 12" cuts of ¾" plywood
- (2) 6 x 18" cuts of ¾" plywood
- Large piece of stiff fabric or paper to make headboard template
- Jigsaw
- Sander or sandpaper
- Power drill with drill bit and screw driver attachments
- Sharpie
- Wood glue
- (2) C-clamps
- (10) 1" screws
- Pencil
- Hammer
- Tape measure
- 12" plastic or metal ruler
- Metal square
- Yardstick
- (2) 24x82" slabs of 2" thick super soft foam
- 4 yards of Dacron polyester batting
- Cardboard tack strip
- Electric carving knife for cutting out foam
- 1 can of spray adhesive
- Pliers
- Staple remover
- Staples and staple gun
- Regulator
- Rubber mallet
- Yellow Chalk
- Goggles!
- Fabric Scissors
- Nail in plastic glides for the bottom of the legs
- (4) 2" long bolts and matching nuts
- Allen wrench
- 8 yards of upholstery fabric
- Sewing machine and thread to match your fabric
- Welt cord foot for your sewing machine
- 14 yards of 5/32" fiber flex welt cord
- T-Pins
- Stapler
- Trace and cut out a headboard shape from wood
- Cut and adhere foam
- Navigate the basics of upholstery
- Make welting cord
What you’ll get:
- A detailed class on making an upholstered headboard
- 11 HD video lessons you can access online anytime, anywhere
- Itemized supply list
- Step-by-step expert instruction from Amanda Brown
- The ability to leave comments, ask questions and interact with other students

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Upholstered Headboard Reviews
92 users recommended this class to a friend
Jeannette Lohan
Long project with very detailed explanation of various steps.
More than 3 months ago
Karlee Soloko
I liked the pace of this class. Everything was explained thoroughly. The only thing I wish she provided was an estimated cost for the project. Overall, great class.
More than 3 months ago