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Journal of Family Life
294 users recommended this class to a friend
Linda L Welch
Amy Karol class on Journal of Family Life inspired me to relax and settle in, and get started on a life time of stories that I have never put in a Journal before but have always dreamed of doing!
January 1
Megan MacLean
I am very behind in documenting our family stories. Whenever I try, I get quickly overwhelmed and give up. This is a very approachable way to just get all of the key information down in one spot before all of the little stories and moments are forgotten. You could always use the information collected in this type of journal to make a prettier or "perfect" album later on. Especially loved the section on photos.
More than 3 months ago
Tricia Newman
I thought this was a cookbook making lesson, but I didn't read it fully. I enjoyed it anyway and may apply this technique to making a cookbook. My college daughter requested family recipes from each member and I'm overwhelmed thinking of creating one but now I think I can do it and it will be very special done in this way. Thank you! My kids are older but I'll create a grammie version of this when I hit that milestone.
More than 3 months ago