2 hours 21 min
Understanding how to drape and manipulate fabric is a key ingredient in learning how to draft your own garment patterns. In this thorough class, you’ll learn foundational draping techniques from Project Runway All Star and Mood Fabrics’ Creative Director of Education, Benjamin Mach. Not only will you learn the fundamentals of preparing a dress form, measuring and marking the body, and draping the fabric on the dress form, but you’ll then learn how to transfer the pattern to paper to make your very own original skirts, tops and dresses.
Want to take draping classes from Benjamin in person? Go to Mood U to sign up for in-store classes at Mood Fabrics!
Muslin (approximately 1 yard per garment) Pattern paper Draping tape Pattern weights French curve Measuring tape Right-angled triangle ruler 2"-wide clear gridded flexible ruler (optional) Pins Tracing wheel Transfer paper Sharpie marker Marking pencil Fabric shears Paper scissors Dress form Sewing machine Muslin (approximately 1 yard per garment) Pattern paper Draping tape Pattern weights French curve Measuring tape Right-angled triangle ruler 2"-wide clear gridded flexible ruler (optional) Pins Tracing wheel Transfer paper Sharpie marker Marking pencil Fabric shears Paper scissors Dress form Sewing machine Muslin (approximately 1 yard per garment) Pattern paper Draping tape Pattern weights French curve Measuring tape Right-angled triangle ruler 2"-wide clear gridded flexible ruler (optional) Pins Tracing wheel Transfer paper Sharpie marker Marking pencil Fabric shears Paper scissors Dress form Sewing machine Muslin (approximately 1 yard per garment) Pattern paper Draping tape Pattern weights French curve Measuring tape Right-angled triangle ruler 2"-wide clear gridded flexible ruler (optional) Pins Tracing wheel Transfer paper Sharpie marker Marking pencil Fabric shears Paper scissors Dress form Sewing machine
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What you’ll get:
Want to take draping classes from Benjamin in person? Go to Mood U to sign up for in-store classes at Mood Fabrics!
Here’s what you’ll need:
Draping a Skirt
Draping a Bodice
Draping a Dress
Buy the Pattern Drafting supplies for this class at Mood Fabrics
- Prepare a dress form and mark measurements
- Transfer measurements from form to paper
- Draft and create patterns for skirts, tops and dresses
- Create darts
- Work with pattern paper and carbon paper
- Work with a tracing wheel and French curve
- "True" a pattern and smooth curves
- Sew a muslin from a draft
What you’ll get:
- Step-by-step expert instruction on draping skirts, tops and dresses
- 15 HD video lessons you can access online anytime, anywhere
- Detailed supplies list
- The ability to leave comments, ask questions, and interact with other students

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Fashion Draping with Mood Fabrics:A 3-Part Series Reviews
614 users recommended this class to a friend
Aditi Singh
very well explained - great to understand some of these basics of pattern making. it is a little difficult to replicate if you are a beginner / novice and dont have the mannequin to use. would have been good to understand how to do these using measurements taken from the body instead of using the mannequin.
More than 3 months ago
Ronen Gamil
Exceptional tutorial series!! As a novice, these videos are clear and super helpful to create my first garments! Thank you!!
More than 3 months ago