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Tetra Pak Printing
63 users recommended this class to a friend
Absolutely awesome !! Loved everything about the whole process, very well explained, thank you ! I am itching to try it
6 hours ago
Rita Clarke
I just watched this process, and I am very excited to try it. I will ahve to wait until the weather is a little warmer because I will have to work outside where I have more space. I'm wondering if this could be done on fabric? If Courtney could answer that for me I would be most grateful. Thank you for sharing this exciting process!
3 days ago
Lisa Zwick
Courtney did a great job of describing this simple but charming process on a safer level than in studios with harsher chemicals. I like the simplicity of the projects. I would like to know where to get an old day cut machine like she has! I will have to go back and look at what a pasta machine does for this process again. Thank you, Courtney!!
3 days ago

Creativebug Staff
Hi Lisa-
Glad you are enjoying the class and are curious about the process. If you have any local craft supply reuse centers, I would check those for old sizzix machine. Elementary schools or libraries might also have these manual ones. You can even check ebay or craigslist but because they are heavy, they are costly to ship. The larger craft retailes like JoAnn, Michaels and even Blick Art also sell them discounted on occassion!
2 days ago