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Story Quilt Top: A Daily Practice in Hand Stitching
So much fun to watch Heidi take such a variety of fabrics of all shapes and sizes, and turn them into a piece of art! It's almost like she's given me "permission" to put together my own prints and shapes. How fun!
Wow! I was surprised by how much I liked this class and how much I looked forward to each day's prompt. This first time I watched I did not stitch along because I like to have an idea of where I am going before I begin. I know that takes away from the spontaneity, but I also know that I am somewhat of a planner and am much more comfortable working this way. I will say that this class has given me permission, and the desire, to be less so when I decide to watch again and stitch along. Until then the only decision I need to make is, what size shall I make my quilt?